5 Mistakes That Could Ruin Your Vegas Wedding


Whether as a result of a holiday romance or a planned engagement, thousands of people get married in Las Vegas. In fact, around 120,000 marriage ceremonies take place in Vegas every year. As such, it's unsurprising that some of these weddings fail to run smoothly, but you can still avoid the major pitfalls with careful planning and some good background knowledge. Make sure your wedding doesn't turn into a disaster by avoiding the five following mistakes that other couples make.

Dress code disaster

Las Vegas has a reputation for playing host to some of the world's most outrageous wedding themes. Whether you decide to opt for a zombie holocaust or movie-inspired nuptials, somebody else in Vegas is probably thinking the same thing, but you still need to consider the climate on your wedding day.

Despite the bright lights and gleaming hotels, Las Vegas is in the middle of a desert, which means you may need to contend with some seriously hot temperatures. Elaborate costumes and make-up may look good in principle, but after a few minutes in the scorching Nevada sun, you may not look as smart for the wedding photos.

Try to think of a dress code that suits your personality AND the Vegas climate. If you get it wrong, people will remember your wedding video for the wrong reasons.

No marriage license

Some people mistakenly believe that you can get married in Las Vegas at the drop of a hat. While the Nevada marriage laws are more lenient than in other places, there are still steps that you must follow before you can exchange vows. For example, all couples must apply for a marriage license.

You can only apply for a license if you are both aged 18 or older. What's more, you will need to show your passport or birth certificate at the county license bureau, and there's also a small fee to pay. Fortunately, you have a year from the date of issue to use the license, so it's generally worth sorting out this administrative step as soon as you can.

Home country legal problems

For people traveling to Vegas from outside the United States, it's also important to check that your home country recognizes the legality of the marriage. While most countries treat a Vegas wedding like any other, you must still sometimes complete other steps before the marriage is completely legitimate.

For example, British couples must register an overseas marriage with their General Register Office. To do this, you will need your marriage certificate along with a document called an Apostille, which you must get from the Nevada Secretary of State's office.

Unscrupulous local suppliers

The pace and excitement of a holiday wedding in Vegas can sometimes cloud your judgement. In a rush to get down the aisle, some couple leave many of the finer details to the last minute, which means they may end up paying for below-par services.

For example, one couple married hired a wedding photographer in 2014 that failed to give them the professional video they had paid for, leaving them without the mementos they had hoped for. Make sure you have a proper contract for all the services you pay for that outlines exactly what you will get for your money and when. It's also often better to talk to a wedding chapel about suppliers they will recommend, too.

The hangover effect

If you don't want your wedding to end up like a scene from The Hangover, it's important to take some sensible precautions. In a city like Las Vegas, it's easy to allow the casinos and constant drinking to take over, but the bride doesn't want to turn up for her wedding with no sign of the groom.

Enjoy Vegas, but try not to let the partying interfere with the wedding. Take it easy the night before and aim for something quieter and more relaxing before the big day. If possible, hold your bucks and bachelorette parties a few days before the ceremony, or you may never even make it to the wedding venue.

Las Vegas weddings are often exciting and spectacular, but there are still plenty of things that can go wrong. Make sure your Vegas wedding runs smoothly, and let other couples make these common mistakes. For the best results, work with an experienced chapel like A Little White Wedding Chapel


8 October 2015

coordinating with a wedding planner

When I first got engaged, I looked forward to planning the wedding, but as time went by, my enthusiasm for planning every detail of the big day dwindled. I knew that I wasn't going to be able to handle the entire planning process on my own. I talked with a wedding planner and selected some elements that I would take care of on my own and hired her to do the rest of the work for me. Knowing how much goes into a wedding really overwhelmed me. Visit my blog to find a few tips that can help you coordinate with a planner to make your wedding as perfect as mine was.